Running your own business is awesome because: You can listen to your heart

I am going to start a series of very short blog posts outlining some of the great things about running your own business – especially ones funded by yourself (or others working with you). I’ll try to post one each week (some serious, some humorous) and tag them so we can have fun looking at them grouped together and see if they still ring true over time. Here is the first post.

Running your own business is awesome because:

You can make decisions based on what your heart tells you to do. You get to wake up every day free to go in any direction you want, for good reason or no reason at all. If your heart is in the right place, you will never regret doing something it tells you to do or not to do.


p.s If you own your own privately funded business and have some great things you want to share about it – please email them to me (waiken at schedulefly) and I’ll them add to this list!