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Lead by example (new vid)

When Luke and I filmed Brandon Viebrock’s Restaurant Owners Uncorked interview recently, Brandon talked about leading by example. In my experience, lots of people say they lead by example, but only a rare few do it consistently and do it with gusto, passion, and a true conviction that there is no other way to go about it.

It was clear that Brandon and his partner, Shawn Wilfong, both set the example in their restaurants. They don’t ask anybody to do something they haven’t done themselves, and they work extremely hard to show teammates how to do things, rather than just tell them. (Shawn is also the owner I blogged about in the exploding ketchup bottle post I wrote a few months ago.)

Enjoy this short video of Brandon discussing why he and Shawn believe in this leadership style, along with some footage of him doing it. (Shawn was out of town when we filmed so we only captured Brandon, but both of those guys set a high standard in their three awesome restaurants).

(If you are reading this post in email and don’t see the vid, it’s here)

We’ve got two more videos of Brandon coming soon. You can follow them here or on our Twitter feed.


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